Looking for a… job

i joined the ranks of of the unemployed today …. it sucks alot

ive went out grabbed abunch of aplication to places and filled them out left my resume out there but not alot i can do no one is hireing so i made a trip to the unemployment office and applied for it … so we will see… you might be seeing a new homeless bum running around town its a good possibility. the photo project has been put on hold until further notice … im sorry guys but i have to put my resources to better use than a hobby so day it may return. ill continue to blog like i always have hell ill prolly be blogging more.

so if you know any one looking to hire a pc tech/webdesigner shoot towards me or my site www.joshbieber.com

thanks guys … biebs out

6 thoughts on “Looking for a… job

  1. Yes it sucks so much. I graduate in May and that thought is quite depressing. So far, I don’t have a job and prospects look dim for me. So I’ll take a year off, and then go to grad school.

    Hang in there, Biebs. Take care and keep on blogging.

  2. Pingback: Posts about blogging as of March 17, 2009 | Sensonize.com - Make Money Online, Blogging Tips and Reviews

  3. Yup. Friggin’ blows chunks. There’s days I want to quit my job… but then I realize in this day, I’m just damn glad to have one.

    You and Andrea’s and my prayers. You’ll get through it. Because You Da Man.

  4. Aww, that sucks. My sister went through a bad layoff not long ago too, and she says you just gotta keep your head up high and not give up. There’s lots of help for the unemployed everywhere anyway. On the bright side of things though, you’ll have plenty of time for yourself and your hobby of blogging & such ;) Best of luck finding a job!

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